Pre-employment process
At Quin, we work with sensitive medical data, and therefore a Pre-Employment Screening is part of the application process. In this way, we meet all legal requirements and can build a reliable platform for patients, general practitioners, and medical specialists.
Offer Accepted!
We will initiate the pre-employment process as soon as you have accepted our offer.
StEp 1
E-mail from Validata
You will receive an email from Validata containing your login credentials, instructions on how to initiate the screening, and details on which documents you need to provide.
StEp 2
Providing Information
This involves a background check and the collection of your personal information.
StEp 3
Screening door Validata
Once you have submitted all the necessary documents, Validata will initiate the pre-employment screening. This process typically takes a few weeks. Once the screening is completed, you will receive a report in your inbox containing all the details. You can find more information via this link.
StEp 4
Screening completed
Open Positions at Quin
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